How To Choose Spring Bulbs


How to choose with so much choice?

Here’s our handy guide to choosing the plants best for you and your garden.

1.       Work with what you’ve got. Timing is everything with gardening, so think about the months when your garden lacks colour or interest. If you have lots of snowdrops and evergreens, you might want to think about planting tulips for colour later on in the year. If you love summer bedding and annual flowers you might be lacking colour between February – April and so would be better planting crocus and daffodils.

2.       Choose your spot. Once you’ve worked out the time period you want to cover think about the spot the bulbs will go in – is it sunny, or partially shaded? Is it well draining, or wet and muddy for most of the year? All bulbs like good drainage so plant some broken crockery or gravel for drainage to make sure your bulbs won’t rot if it’s often very wet. If you have a sunny spot almost all bulbs will thrive, but for a partially shaded spot consider daffodils or our early flowering mix.


3.       Now for the most fun part – colour! Choose the colours you like best, our bulb boxes are designed to create complementary colour schemes to take the hard work out of designing pots and borders. You could also think about colours that will work well with the coloured pots you already have, against a painted fence or leading to a colourful doorway.

4.       Finally, think about anything else you might want from your flowers. Do you want to create a haven for bees and butterflies? If so, choose our bee and butterfly friendly mixes. If you enjoy picking flowers for bouquets, choose those with sturdy stems – all of our tulips are good for this, and most of our daffodils.

We hope you’ve found this guide helpful, if you have any questions or queries about choosing plants for your garden don’t hesitate to message our team – we’d love to help you!

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Behind The Shelves: Wendy


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